Natural treats for the discerning dog
natural treats for the discerning dog
natural treats for the discerning dog
simple stuff
Just proper treats & supplements to complement a natural diet. It sounds pretty easy really, but you would be surprised how many others manage to make a right ol’ dogs dinner of it by using unethically sourced ingredients from half way around the world, or adding a load of processed nonsense our beloved dogs shouldn‘t be consuming.
simple stuff
Just proper treats & supplements to complement a natural diet. It sounds pretty easy really, but you would be surprised how many others manage to make a right ol’ dogs dinner of it by using unethically sourced ingredients from half way around the world, or adding a load of processed nonsense our beloved dogs shouldn‘t be consuming.
simple stuff
Just proper treats & supplements to complement a natural diet. It sounds pretty easy really, but you would be surprised how many others manage to make a right ol’ dogs dinner of it by using unethically sourced ingredients from half way around the world, or adding a load of processed nonsense our beloved dogs shouldn‘t be consuming.
for the planet as well as our dogs
We’re committed to/slightly obsessed with reducing the environmental impact of our products as much as possible. Thats why we have an unparalleled commitment to ensure everything is totally, properly compostable.
for the planet as well as our dogs
We’re committed to/slightly obsessed with reducing the environmental impact of our products as much as possible. Thats why we have an unparalleled commitment to ensure everything is totally, properly compostable.
for the planet as well as our dogs
We’re committed to/slightly obsessed with reducing the environmental impact of our products as much as possible. Thats why we have an unparalleled commitment to ensure everything is totally, properly compostable.
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